Sunday, 29 March 2009

Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion (Review: Alex)

I really wanted to like this album. Being the pretentious loser I am, I like to think of myself as one of those people who appreciates the slightly out-there, slightly experimantal stuff which no one really listens to. I'd never heard of Animal Collective before, and when Matt told me that they were nothing like he's ever heard before, things were looking up.

The reality is however, that no matter how much I wanted to like this album (and believe me, I tried), I really struggled to find anything I distinctly enjoyed. Sure, it's different. The intro to the opening track, 'In The Flowers', felt like it was leading me into something new, something interesting. Even the interestingly out of key vocals initially caught my attention in what I'm sure was a good way. However, within about a minute is was already bored. This contradicts what I said to Matt earlier this week; that I rarely find myself bored by songs. However this album gave me the feeling throughout that it should be leading me in a direction, and was failing to deliver.

This said, there were aspects I enjoyed. I don't really know what it was, but I did like 'Summertime Clothes'. It seemed to offer a bit more than the rest of the album.

All in all however, it reminded me of bands like The Polyphonic Spree, and Arcade Fire, both of whom I have a strong distaste for. It felt to me that they were simply trying too hard. I'd like to see this band sit down and just write a song, without the intention of being anything new or radical. That way, I think they might actually be quite good. As it stands, they seem to be striving for something new. If I want this sort of music, I'll listen to MGMT, who give off the same vibe, but manage to do it in a way which is pleasing to my tender little ears.

Sorry guys, but this time I'm going for a 2/5.


  1. The album cover is good though, I'll give them that.

  2. I'm not enjoying all the MGMT comparisons :(
    I can't see it myself.
    Also, I'm dissapointed no one else likes the album, I'm loving it.
    My review will be up tonight/tomorrow.
