Sunday, 29 March 2009

Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion (Review: Dan)

Well. It seems I'm just about the last person to get my review in for this album. I'm going to start by saying that I am with MattS on my hatred for the genre 'Experimental' and I agree 100% that it is just when there are too many genres.

Anyway, into my review. I was unsure what to expect from Animal Collective. I had two things in mind though; Either some unusual blend of techno and screamo, or this. I'm not really sure what I was basing these thoughts on, they were just guesses really.

The first track, 'In the Flowers' was not what I wanted to hear this morning. I found it boring and repetitive and was not looking forward to the rest. A shame really, as opening tracks have a big job to do. This feeling was made worse by My Girls, which I found fairly similar to the first track (in style, not sound).

Also Frightened I preferred but was still getting a bit bored of this repetitive style of music. I wanted something fresh from this already. Thankfully this was provided by Summertime Clothes. This song was very enjoyable, and from this point on the album went from strength to strength.

Daily Routine was my favourite track, I found it very catchy and very listenable. The album as a whole is undeniably catchy, and I suppose this allows room for some repetition. It is also what I would call a very happy album, and it did, as with MattJ, made me excited for the Summer. This is a very good thing.

I'd say I had fun listening to this album, which is a very peculiar sensation. However, I did have to put up with much too much repetition for my liking.

I'm worried though that I will get very bored of Animal Collective very soon. They don't have that factor that will make me want to come back for more. For reasons like this it does knock the final score down a bit, and I will be settling with 3.5/5.

By the way, I dislike the album art. It aggravates my eyes.

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