Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Mistabishi - Drop (Review: Dan)

Well. If there's one thing I have learned from this experience, it's that 'Liquid Funk' is not something I enjoy. To be honest, Drum and Bass music just doesn't do it for me. It's not something that I enjoy, and I think it all sounds the same. This is probably a very ignorant thing to say, mind.

I would say that Pendulum is the closest thing I can match this to, although a fan of the genre would probably go mental at me for this. And I like Pendulum, they remain one of my greatest live acts and I think their songs are good. I could never listen to them in my own time though. I would have to be experiencing this bizarre sound in a club or a gig to enjoy it.

There really was precious little I enjoyed about Drop, I think that tracks 1-11 all sounded identical, with the exception of 'Printer Jam' which was just mental. It genuinely was just a printer jam with a beat.
This was, however, my favourite track - simply because it was different, mental and not just another track that sounds like Pendulum. Sorry for being so blunt, it's just not my cup of tea. However, I have learned from this experience and I now know that DnB is not for me. I'm sure they're great live though...

I'd also like to take the time to point out that I did only listen to the album once. This isn't without reason though; with an album like this, I know that no matter how many times I listen to it, it's not going to catch on and show me some enjoyment.

Another thing I had with this album was (and I should never have to think this) that, I needed to get a drink and in my head I thought 'is this worth pausing? I'm not really going to miss much'. I did pause it though, but there was really no need.

I have to give this album a score between 0 and 1 really, and because of the mental Printer Jam thing I'm going to be generous and give it a whopping 0.5/5.



  1. I don't know why you insist on rating out of 5 when you use decimals every single time anyway.

    Also, a grammatical error for the almighty Dan; '... was (and I should never have to think this) was that'
    Double was. Edit it out before everyone else sees it ;)

    I'm not looking forward to this album, I must say.

  2. You seemed unimpressed by the prospect of a remixed printer jam.

  3. the printer jam is awsome!

  4. To Matt: Thanks for pointing that out to me, although give me some credit as it was late when I wrote it :(
    Also, I don't like having to use decimals, but if I didnt then I'd have to give this album 0. Which is possibly a bit cruel.

    To Alex and Tomb: If I wanted to hear a printer jam, I would go to heathcote and try printing something.

  5. 'If I wanted to hear a printer jam, I would go to heathcote and try printing something.'

    If I wanted a printer jam then I'd smash your head into one.

    This album was great and the song
    'No Matter What' was truly oringinal using a simple yet effective rave tune. Oh wait this ain't ma job to write reviews.
    But this is a 4/5.
    ~ A concerned Citizen who likes D'n'B

  6. Mr. Citzen. It can be your 'job' to write reviews if you wish.

  7. "If I wanted a printer jam then I'd smash your head into one."

    Charming. If a bit agressive... Sorry I don't like it...

    Actually I'm not sorry...

  8. I have a feeling that the 'concerned citizen' was the one whom put the album up....

  9. I'd very much like to know who this 'concerned citizen' is. He (or indeed, she) seems just like the sort of opinionated person whose views hold so much credibility, and who i'm sure could become a good friend of mine...

    I don't think I've ever met anyone who is 'concerned' for the welfare of drum and bass. In fact, everything about that comment was a bit odd.

  10. I love this anonymous guy. :-)

    I am also concerned for the welfare of drum and bass.
